as a Director / Own works
Premiere at Loophole in Berlin, DE (2019)

Performance: Keisuke Sugawara / Music: Ryusui Tatsumi / Design: Yumi Tatebe
Other Performances in JAPAN (2020):
三津浜・木村邸 in Matsuyama / UrBANGUILD in Kyoto / Tytär exhibition in Nagoya
Give me little more in Matsumoto / MIDORI.so Nakameguro in Tokyo
Special Thanks:
Ami Tsuyuguchi / Gen Seiichirou / Hiroko Motoyanagi / Kaoru Arai / Kazehito Seki / Miho Yajima / Sakiko Masuda / Takahiro Kunimoto / Yumi Son / サ々キDUB平 / Takkiduda / 土田貴好 /
田村興一郎 / 田中朝子 / 高橋響 / 鈴木直道 / Shawn Woody / Changhyup Yoo / Naima Duyser
Project Supporters:
The Groundhoppers Japan / Makiko Kubota / Minematsuya / NIDO / Rie Sakurada / SAYURI b-works / SOME cafe 五藤和代 / tae / YUMI HAMAGUCHI / mocca / イトウカズト / お菓子の森川 / ドンドロ浜商店 / すぺーすたのしい and other 11 supporters.
Performance at Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte in Berlin, DE (2019)

Direction: Keisuke Sugawara
Performance: Takayoshi Tsuchida and Keisuke Sugawara
Music: Tatsumi Ryusui (Live Music)
Photo: Bermd Kumar
Premiere at Acker Stadt Palast in Berlin, DE (2019)
Concept: Rafailia Bampasidou
Direction: Keisuke Sugawara
Performance: Matina Kaiafa and Keisuke Sugawara
1)Temperature 2)Pluse 3)Breathing 4) Blood pressure
Vitals are a group of the most important signs that indicate the status of the body's functions. They vary from a human body to another. In a healthy physical environment, a variety of factors keep the balance between vitals and human condition in a functional level. What happens if this balance is disturbed?
mellem to
en mand, der sidder navnløs, en kvinde med en Lanterne ( 虚無の人。灯を持つ人。)
Premiere at Teater Momentum in Odense, DK (2019)

Concept / Direction: Keisuke Sugawara
Performance: Christina Dyekjær / Keisuke Sugawara
Film: Lasse Millek
Other Performances:
At TheatherHaus Berlin Mitte in Berlin, DE (2019)
For 6th ERBIL International Theater Festival in Erbil, IQ (2019)
The opportunity to balance the negative and positive in the galling rain towards the light at shore.
Link to REVIEW by Ari Matsuoka in Japanese
Supporters for the production:
Yu Hasegawa / Sho Hattori / Tomoko Hirano / Ikuko Kaji / Emiko Kikuchi / Tomoko Morimoto
Youhei Sasaki / Hiroko Shimizu / Makiko Shimizu / Yukimaru Shuichi / Takashi Sugawara
Haruhi Tada / Kyo Takahashi / Simon Talbot / Hikaru Tomida / Ryouta Tsuchida / Ayaka Watanabe
Meili Watanabe / Sou Yoshida / Kukuna Coffee / Takashi D.P. Studio / 移動喫茶農人
and other 13 supporters.
Wind aus dem Norden
Premiere at HIP Dance Arts Entertainment in Tokyo, JP (2019)

Direction / Choreograph / Performance: Chikage and Keisuke Sugawara
Costume: Keiko Yashiro
Support for the text: Takako Yamane
[ Der Umkehrende ] より
Support for the production:
藤原由美子 / 移動喫茶農遊人 / NUT. / 加地郁子 / 照井裕子 / miporine / Chiho Park / Emiko Kikuchi
yurie / Tada Haruhi / みいにゃん / 森本智子 / 佐々木洋平 / MARIA / LINO / Suzuki Yusuke
水野知左子 / 渡邊礼華 / 菅原鷹志 / Yui Natume / 井上美栄子 and other 47 supporters
Premiere in Nürnberg, Germany 2018
Choreograph and Dance: Keisuke Sugawara
Music: Ryusui Tatsumi "Down to Under"
Collaborator: Miho Yajima (Film and edit)
Special support: Ferena Kagata / Ayaka Watanabe / TheaterHaus Berlin Mitte

To devote oneself.
To depend on something. Some are saved by such a vague wish.
Without support, they surface—people’s changing weaknesses and vulnerability.
Witnessing those fading away , seeing life and eternity only in the unchangeable “it.”
The swinging light and the afterglow.
Breathing there, where the sun doesn’t rise.
Sich hingeben.
Sich auf etwas verlassen. Einige werden durch solch einen vagen Wunsch gerettet.
Ohne Unterstützung zeigen sie die wechselnden Schwächen und Verletzlichkeiten der Menschen auf.
Zeuge werden, wie diese verblassen, das Leben und die Ewigkeit alleine in dem unveränderlichen „Es“ entdecken. Das schwingende Licht und das Nachleuchten.
Dort Atmen, wo die Sonne nicht aufgeht.
”縋る”。 という具現化しないその曖昧な願いによって救われる者。
mellem to
at TheaterHaus Berlin Mitte, Germany 2018
Concept and Choreograph : Keisuke Sugawara
Dance: Aika Tsuchida / Keisuke Sugawara
Special support: 生きる舞踊団NEphRiTE / TheaterHaus Berlin Mitte

We speak through our bodies.
Having a conversation with others. And I believe that the Body has plenty of possibilities other than kinematics. Because while the movements give our body satisfied our heart is also proportionally satisfied.
Trio piece for 10 mins.
Choreographer: Keisuke Sugawara
Dancer: Kotone Ogasawara, Yoshihisa Higuchi, Keisuke Sugawara
2017 at Session House, Tokyo, Japan

ー そこに確かに存在するもの。疑いようの無いその生命力に抱く憧れ。
Study in Blue and Grey
2017 at Session House, Tokyo, Japan
Duet piece for 10 mins.
Choreographer: Keisuke Sugawara
Dancer: Akira Katona, Keisuke Sugawara

ー Morn Came, and went- and came, and brought no day.
Lord Byron
MOLS_vol.1 (Live streaming)
Performance at Club der polnischen Versager in Berlin, Germany 22/03/2020
Makoto Sakamoto (Soundscape)
Keisuke Sugawara (Performance)
Ari Matsuoka (Video)
Performance archive on YouTube / MOLS magazine
©️MOLS magazine

The Body keeps the score
Choreographed by Jara Serrano

from Contemporary Dance Performance "Nature"
Performance at Pfefferberg Theater, Berlin, Germany 5 and 6/10/2019
Choreographed by Takayoshi Tsuchida

from Contemporary Dance Performance "Nature"
Premiere at TheaterHaus Berlin Mitte, Germany 02/02/2019
Dance: Marie Akashi, Aya Nakagawa, Keisuke Sugawara, Aika Tsuchida and Takayoshi Tsuchida
Photo by Kei Tanaka
*Over Fence Art Connection

Project team: Takayoshi Tsuchida/ Aika Tsuchida/ Keisuke Sugawara
Part of 生きる舞踊団
"Mildred" 05.10.2018 Premiere at Acker Stadt Palast , Berlin, Germany

Photo by Kei Tanaka